Monday, August 9, 2010

Limbo - Game Review

I just recently downloaded Limbo on my Xbox 360, because the screenshots intrigued me.  Anyways, here are my thoughts:

Gameplay:  Limbo is an Adventure Puzzle game.  You begin your quest as a boy in search of his lost Sister.  You must solve puzzles and avoid death to achieve your goal.  The game is 2D, and is platform based.  The simplicity of this game is so refreshing.  There are only 3 buttons you can push.  Your directional pad, the jump button, and the use button.  Knowing this, you would think that the puzzle solving portion of the game would be entirely too easy right?  That's what I thought when I started, and I was dead wrong.  While I thought that overall the puzzles could have been harder, they were definitely not too easy.  They were just hard enough to say to myself - "Ah ha!" After I figured one out.  It achieved a very good balance.  As you progress though the game, the puzzles get harder, and the atmospheres change constantly to keep the game interesting.  My only complaint would be that the game is much too short.  However, since the game is so simplistic, making it any longer possibly could have made it feel like it was being dragged on and on.  Although I was still itching for more gameplay by the time I was done.

Graphics:  I am a huge fan of 2d games.  Not only the way 2d games feel, but the way they look.  This game had some of the best art I have ever seen.  The whole game is in black and white, and most of the objects are just black silhouettes.  Yet somehow this simplistic design translated into something beautiful, and extremely eerie all at the same time.  The animations seemed very polished, and really added to the immersion factor.

Audio:  There is very little music in the game, and when there is it is very subtle.  This again, adds to the eerie atmosphere.  The sound effects are superb.  It really feels like the objects on the screen are truly creating the sounds that you are hearing.  Many notable examples of this is when you accidently fall into a pit of spikes, or your head gets crushed by a rolling boulder.  They are real sounding enough to make you cringe when you make a fatal error.

Final Thoughts:  When I finished Limbo, my mind was filled with the 'Wow' factor.  This game definitely left an impression on me.  It shows there are still people out there that want to make good games that have the resources to do so.  Limbo will always be one of those few precious gems for me, that I will always talk about.   That is a rare thing.  I highly suggest buying this game.

My Score:  9.8 / 10
-.1 For being too short
-.1 For wanting the puzzles to be a tad bit harder

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